Cheep Flights

Travelocity Saves 20% or more
Travelocity Special low priced flights
Hotwire Below published cheep flights
Priceline pick the price
cheep flights reservaions for airfare
It's possible to get cheep flights with the right stategy. For very cheep flights, allow plenty of lead time. Otherwise, a few simple rules will help you get a cheep flight fast.
  • Travel on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday
  • For weekend trips try leaving on Thursday and returning on Sunday
  • Avoid holidays
  • Cheepest flights are in January, February May, September, and October
  • Try flying into alternate airports near your destination
  • Hotels in surrounding areas can be lower than those next to the prime location.
  • Check a few airlines
  • If you find a good rate, buy it right away. Low fares go quickly

    Travelocity can help if you have plenty of time with their cheep flight alert service. First they show the best deals on all flights they have. You can select your departure city to see the best deals originating from that city. Finally they have an email notification system that will tell you when the airfare you desire is available. This feature is relatively new, but as people start using it more expect the inventory to rapidly deplete. So if you find a deal you like, but it right away.

    Finally, Priceline is famous for letting you set the price you will pay for a ticket. The tradeoff is that you don't know what airline you'll be flying or exactly what time. For routes with limited service it's pretty clear what airline you'll fly and roughly when you'll fly. For more popular routes, it can be quit uncertain.

    Like so many things in life there are trade offs between controlling your itnerary, limiting travel time, concentrating frequent flyer miles and price. With careful planning and searching, low and even very low price reservations are available. The DealCloset staff generally get quite good prices while still sticking to our airline of choice and minimizing travel time. Nevertheless, we find our prices are quite competitive with the very lowest prices.
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